Toomas Volkmann
See on seni suurim Toomas Volkmanni isikunäitus, mida Eestis kunagi on nähtud ja võime uhkusega öelda, et tema fotokunst väärib võrdset kohta teiste maailmanimede seas.
Näituse olulisus ei peitu vaid kunstniku omailma lahti-rullimises, vaid ka tundliku silmaga ajastu kaardistamises, 1990-ndate valulikust rabedusest 2010-ndate ülbe klants-esteetikani, mis rullub lahti pea 200 tööl. Volkmanni keel on sümbolistlikult tihe, ta on korraga teatraalne ja diskreetne, morbiidne ja elujanuline, suurejooneliselt dramaatiline ja naha alla pugevalt intiimne. “täis minevik” avaneb nende vastuoluliste tahkude koosmõjus, mitte lineaarsel ajateljel, vaid pigem sümbolistilik-allegoorilist rada pidi.
Toomas Volkmann has studied in the University of Tartu and the Theatre Arts Academy. From 1993-1994 he studied photography in London. Since 1995 he has been a freelance photographer, working with practically all Estonian media. He has been active in exhibitions in Estonia and abroad since 1979, and has also been a guest lecturer at the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Tartu Art School.
Vastavatud näitusest on saanud juba praegu suur publikulemmik, meie siiras soov on, et Toomase fotolooming jõuaks pärast näitust nii inimeste kodudesse kui tööruumidesse – et veel paljud inimesed neist osa saaksid.
All exhibition works are available for purchase.The limited-edition photographs included in the exhibition are both signed and numbered. The materials used are in line with the ISO 9706 standard and meet all PAT (Photographic Activity Test) requirements. The artworks are printed on fade-resistant, cotton fine art paper which is acid-, lignin- and chlorine-free and pH-buffered (pH > 7). A high degree of photographic print quality is achieved using Epson’s fade-resistant UltraChrome PRO pigment ink technology. All of the materials used to produce each piece (including the base plates, tape, passe-partout, frame and glass) are pH-neutral and safe for the artwork. The works will be available for purchase for the duration of the exhibition, for collection after the exhibition has closed. The exhibition will be open until 3 March 2024. The works were produced and arranged by Craftrag - Custom Printlab/Andres Toodo.
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